So sorry for the delay my friends, i have so much to tell you I hardly know where to begin. Since my visit to the super spar on Monday we have experienced some very large storms here in SA, they are incredible. So beautiful and very LOUD!!! However, this has meant that the electricity has been rocky which as a result has messed up the internet connection! HOW RUDE the weather can be sometimes, does it not know how important I and my blog is??? However, today is bright and beautiful and the connection here on the farm is good, so i will fill you all in.
Tuesday I was poorly, which was SOOOOOOO boring as i was at the cottage all day feeling frustrated that i couldnt help on the farm...And that was Tuesday! BORING!
Wednesday...Now wednesday was a goooood day! On Wednesday morning myself and Andiley one of the staff dudes here went to scrub clean all of the water holes in the enclosures, it was very cool and there was another storm on the way. As the water system here runs by solar energy and we hadnt had much sun over the beginning of the week the water pressure was really low which meant after cleaning the second water hole we had to give up and move on to something else. However, it was a good task and the scrubbing gave my arms a good work out. I did crush my fingers a few times against the wall, but hey ho, theres nothing wrong with a bit of hard work and a few bruises. After being defeated we headed off to find the others who were cleaning the enclosures so we joined in and helped.
It was after lunch that i really had a great time. Quentin and I went for a walk with the two hyena cubs around the game part of the farm and it was so nice. First of all, we got followed by a butterfly which kept landing on myself and Quentin, we turned this into a bit of a photo shoot and enjoyed taking advantage of the little flutter beast whilst in lasted. About 50 pictures later however we suddenly remembered the purpose of the walk and turned our attention back to Dhubba and Sparky! Bless them. They were having a wonderful time running around enjoying the open space and lying in dirty puddles. They really are the sweetest things, i am going to steal Dhubba and pretend he is a battery operated cuddly toy when i get to customs. I cant think why they wouldnt believe me. If you say it with conviction they will believe you! :) Anyway, we had a really lovely walk...until it was time to go back. I think it took us about an hour to capture Dhubba who i carried back to the enclosure like a naughty little child and Sparky was still playing a winning game of hide and seek! Haha, when Quentin had finally caught him i heard him say in his finest french accent 'I am fed up of your shit boy!' haha which did make me laugh somewhat as i looked at Sparkys little face! I have a picture of it but will have to show you another time.
When we finally got them both back we fed all of the cubs and said goodnight to them in their little house. Bless them.
Thursday - We went for an anti poaching walk yesterday morning which was hard going, i possibly my face by the end may have been that of a pissed off teenager. It tool us about 3 hours and we were walking through thick bust up and down hills, hot work and i forgot my sunglasses and theres nothing i hate more than having the sun in my eyes. SO...you can only imagine! HA! I did find some amusement however when i asked Peter (on of the dutch men, hes 68! Fair play to him) if he had slept well the night before? And he said that he didnt, and i almost asked him if that was because his farts kept waking him up! hahahahahaa....but i realised that although this may seem funny to me, it may not seem funny to him so instead i just giggled to myself...for about 30 minutes! To be fair, they are loud!
WHen we got back from the walk we were all exhausted but luckily we didnt find any snares which is GREAT! AND what was also GREAT was that it was Bonnies birthday! Hooorah! And she had brought a lot of different cookies and biscuits to celebrate, SO we all sat on the grass in the shade and had a good sugar intake. It was lovely. After recovering i went and had a nice play with the babies and got some funny pics of them jumping in the air. Lovely.
After lunch yesterday we went off with Meg and Amy the pretty lionesses for a walk...we didnt walk them OBVS but Rodney did, we stayed in the cars and watched, we were supposed to get in the cage afterwards and watch them roam around, however, Amy had other plans! Amy didnt want to play yesterday and in fact she decided she didnt want to hang around with us humans any more and took herself off for a nice long walk to almost another farm altogether, of course this would not have gone down too well with Farmer whoeveritis so Rodney had to put Meg away and then go and get Amy back! haha, it is great when they just do what they want, i love it! We sat and watched him try and entice her back with freshly diced meat chunks which worked in the end. She definitely had a look on her face which said 'Why dont you just piss off Rodders, im having a nice time by myself!' haha. Poor Rodney. But anyway, given her mood it was decided that sitting in a cage and taking pictures of her probably wouldnt be fair to her so instead we took them back to their enclosure to chill out a bit!
Poor Amy would be feeling a bit pissed off right now though even if she wasnt already, as this morning (Friday morning) the vet chris came to inject some of the lionesses and female leopard with a contraceptive drug which lasts for 2 years. This was really interesting and we were lucky enough to help. Amy was amongst those getting this done along with Gabby and iIkita the black leopard who is mother to Duke and Tyson the cubs. We did Gabby first and before the vet could inject the contraceptive he had to put the girls to sleep. So we watched Gabby fall into a haze and then deep slumbar before we all had to help carry her into the shade! Now im telling you, to get Gabby into the shade we had to move her about 8 meters max! And there were 7 adults helping to lift her and we had to stop 3 times because she was that heavy! Sheeeesh, that girl was hefty! And Chris the Vet actually grabbed her throat at one point at which time a little noise came out of her mouth like a cry and i swear to god i was almost out of that enclosure as fast as you could say 'KitKat'! I thought she had woken up and was going to kill us all...however, it was just because of where his hand was so acting as cool as a cucumber i re-grabbed her back legs and continued to help! Haha...im such a scaredy cat!
So that was the process with all 3 of the cats. And once the contraceptive drug had been injected they were all given a reversal drug which is used to help them re-gain consciousness. Now, i only saw Gabby come too afterwards and all i can say is that was one high cat! She was flying. Seeing her walk was an interesting sight. If you can imagine a lion drinking about 5 gallons of vodka, thats pretty much what she looked like, her 4 legs getting wrapped around each other! But its all good and soon she will be back with Bobcat who misses her terribly...I know because he told me!
And thats that! Its lunch time now and im just eating my lunch, although i've just gone to get my banana out of my bag only to find its been squished to pulp so I wont be eating that, there is banana puss all over the place! Not good. Ive got some grapes though so i should be ok.
I forgot to say that we made a nice dinner for Bonnie last night for her Birthday, salad and a couple of pasta dishes. I was shocked and amazed that Swedish Girl offered to help is prepare it! In fact i almost fell over when she asked if she could help, i must have been staring at her gormlessly for about 5 seconds until i responded 'Oh yes, that would be nice, thank you!' Haha, but it was a lovely evening, we invited some of the guys who work on the farm to come and we put on some of Arthurs dance music! :) We even lit some candles! Tonight we are going out for dinner and have got her a cake so that should be nice. I think the guys have just returned from the lion park with the meat so i must go and see if they followed my orders correctly and have returned with my can of appletiser, if they have failed on this important mission then i have no option but to scream in their faces!!! Haha...no i wouldnt do that, i told them if their wasn't appletiser they should get me fanta instead! EVERYONES A WINNER!
Anyhoo, i cant believe that tomorrow will be my last shift on the farm! It has gone so quick i cannot believe it! But what an amazing time i have had. I cannot begin to tell you how happy i am to have done so much and i have loved every minute with the animals and the people here. It will be so sad to say good bye. I am sure i will blog again before i leave so i wont say farewell just yet. But until then, have a wonderful Friday night people, Friday nights are happy nights afterall.
Friday, 25 November 2011
Monday, 21 November 2011
Day 22!!!
Hold on...I need a drink....
Thats better! Ahhhhh...SPRITE, hast become my salvation out here i can tell you. Sprite and Appletizer. Loverly. It is currently 18:37 out here and is a very lovely evening. Im sat outside with some of the other volunteers, Arthur and Swedish girl have gone out for dinner. The crickets are on form as per usual and i am enjoying nibbling on some billtong which i purchased today at the superspar. Now, let me just talk about the superspar with you for just a few moments. For the past couple of weeks we have been taken to just a regular spar on a monday to get our groceries which has been pleasant and suffice. It has always been well stocked with tomatoes and tomato juice so i have always been happy. However, today we were taken to the SUPERSPAR...well, i didnt know what i was missing. As you walk into the store you are immediately slapped in the face by the sweet smell of the dairy section. There are cakes galore and not just your normal sponge or muffin but massive cakes covered in all different flavoured frosting, 10 inches thick, and hand made chocolates and coockies with neatly placed cherries on and one portion of chocolate caramel cake is about the size of my head. Granted i have a small head but still, i was amazed...gosh this billtong is hot! WOWZA! So anyway, myself and Camille bought a nice array of sweet goodies which we shared with the others when we got back with a nice cup of tea. Unfortnately the selection pack of mutlicoloured cupcakes which we got most excited about got smashed up in the car so i had to scrape the frosting back on top, so they didnt look so good by the time of consumption, however they still tasted good. And who knew that coffee and strawberry flavoured could taste so good together? Even if by accident!
SO that was just the dairy section, then there was the fruit section and then the hot biffet section which had mash potato and creamed spinach!!! OMG!!! Lush! But i wont talk to you about food all night as thats not what i am here for...OBVS!
Sorry i havent been able to uploas any pictures for you this weekend on facebook, i did not go back to the hotel on Sunday, which was yesterday. Instead i had a very nice lie in which i really appreciated! I got up around 10am and drank almost a carton of tomato juice which made me feel a bit sick so i went back to bed for an hour! hahahaha...oh dear! Then i got ready and myself and Evelyn walked from the cottage to the Portugese Restaurant which took us about 50 minutes. It was mostly uphill and we did have to walk past about 4 properties which had killer dogs waiting outside for us which was a bit scary, luckily there were electric fences between us and the beasts so we remained safe. The funniest was the 2 Yorkshire Terriers who tried to have a go, one sporting a bright red collar! Ha, its always the small ones hey! The alasations on the other hand did look like they might rip us to pieced if we gave them half a chance. After all of the barking we had a very pleasnt walk in the sunshine to the restaurant. We were a bit sweaty when we arrived, but 2 cans of appletize later we were relaxed and it wasnt long until the others arrived to join us who has booked a lift. I was glad of the exercise although my feet and ankles didnt get very tanned which vexed me somewhat.
We stayed at the restaurant for a good few hours and left as the evening started to set in, back at the cottage we had a good chat outside and shared stories. I got my new playing cards out but for some reason nobody wanted to play with me! So i continues solo with a game of solitaire for which Arthur began to call me an old lady! But i dont care because i heard him farting in his sleep the other night! hahahaha. I had the pleasure of telling him so as well! Much to the pleasure of the other volunteers.
Last night the heavens opened, a true african storm, the wind was so strong i am surprised that the cottage wasnt swept away and the the thunder continued all night. It really sounded like some god upstairs decided to have a laugh and switch on a giant tap and let the water just pour down in one huge gush! I couldnt help but feel very sorry for the baby cubs. When we woke this morning the wind had calmed down but the rain was still pouring, we were all soaked by the time we got to the bridge let alone the farm. I went with Quentin to let the cubs out of their house and they were sooooooo cute! Duke pounced on Quentin as soon as he opened the upper gate and following behind him was Tyson who leapt on me with his paws either side of my neck, so i gave him a good cuddle and spin and let him scoot off for his morning piddle. With the rain it didnt take them long to hey soaked and they look so kitten like when they are wet. I think because it was so cool for a change they had lots of energy and did lots of running around. There was a jolly large runny cub poop in the house which myself, Camille and Evelyn had to clear up just before we fed them, but not before Sparky and Dhubba had had their fun of standing in it and walking the pooey footprints around the rest of the house! Not appreciated! Howver, they have the most adorable faced that i just laugh whenever they look at me so decided that they were smelly hyenas and instinct is greater than domestic decorum. So that was that and we managed to clean the house and get them all fed without much trouble. We were just absolutely drenched wet.
So, after all of that it was decided that with the rain as bad as it was we couldnt really do the fence checks which is what we were supposed to do this morning and instead headed off to the superspar earlier than usual. A very nice shopping experience indeed despite the fact that after moaning about the fact that we hadnt been taken to this particular spar before which is in a complex with more shops, Swedish girl decided that she would bugger off for a good hour without telling anyone where she was going. We had to wait for her to show up at which point she had several shopping bags including what looked like 2 pairs of shoes looking very pleased with herself. After explaining that we had been looking and waiting for her we piled into the van all ready to leave. We were all shivering by this point and Quentin had to get back to work...but hold on! Where was Swedish girl now??? OH! Silly me, she is outside the van having a cigarette whilst we all wait for her a little bit more...bloody cheek.
AND whilst im on a rant let me tell you this, we get back to the cottage and the kitchen is in a right bloody mess and the fridge is full of out of date food that past volunteers have left so we all decide to have a jolly good clear out, so we all decide that anything unaccounted for or out of date goes in the bin. Well, as soon as we all start to muck in Swedish disappears outside with a grapetize, packet of cookies and another fag! Which is rude enough BUT then she came and told me off rather aggressively for throwing away her ham!!!...WELL...I CAN TELL YOU THIS! SHE WONT BE BLOODY SPEAKING TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!!!!!! I had a private cheer from the other volunteers later on.
And on that note, i bid you a good night. Hopefully i will have more animal stories for you tomorrow, which is, after all what this is all about. :)
PS Erika was kept indoors this morning because of the rain so i haven't seen her today! :(
Hold on...I need a drink....
Thats better! Ahhhhh...SPRITE, hast become my salvation out here i can tell you. Sprite and Appletizer. Loverly. It is currently 18:37 out here and is a very lovely evening. Im sat outside with some of the other volunteers, Arthur and Swedish girl have gone out for dinner. The crickets are on form as per usual and i am enjoying nibbling on some billtong which i purchased today at the superspar. Now, let me just talk about the superspar with you for just a few moments. For the past couple of weeks we have been taken to just a regular spar on a monday to get our groceries which has been pleasant and suffice. It has always been well stocked with tomatoes and tomato juice so i have always been happy. However, today we were taken to the SUPERSPAR...well, i didnt know what i was missing. As you walk into the store you are immediately slapped in the face by the sweet smell of the dairy section. There are cakes galore and not just your normal sponge or muffin but massive cakes covered in all different flavoured frosting, 10 inches thick, and hand made chocolates and coockies with neatly placed cherries on and one portion of chocolate caramel cake is about the size of my head. Granted i have a small head but still, i was amazed...gosh this billtong is hot! WOWZA! So anyway, myself and Camille bought a nice array of sweet goodies which we shared with the others when we got back with a nice cup of tea. Unfortnately the selection pack of mutlicoloured cupcakes which we got most excited about got smashed up in the car so i had to scrape the frosting back on top, so they didnt look so good by the time of consumption, however they still tasted good. And who knew that coffee and strawberry flavoured could taste so good together? Even if by accident!
SO that was just the dairy section, then there was the fruit section and then the hot biffet section which had mash potato and creamed spinach!!! OMG!!! Lush! But i wont talk to you about food all night as thats not what i am here for...OBVS!
Sorry i havent been able to uploas any pictures for you this weekend on facebook, i did not go back to the hotel on Sunday, which was yesterday. Instead i had a very nice lie in which i really appreciated! I got up around 10am and drank almost a carton of tomato juice which made me feel a bit sick so i went back to bed for an hour! hahahaha...oh dear! Then i got ready and myself and Evelyn walked from the cottage to the Portugese Restaurant which took us about 50 minutes. It was mostly uphill and we did have to walk past about 4 properties which had killer dogs waiting outside for us which was a bit scary, luckily there were electric fences between us and the beasts so we remained safe. The funniest was the 2 Yorkshire Terriers who tried to have a go, one sporting a bright red collar! Ha, its always the small ones hey! The alasations on the other hand did look like they might rip us to pieced if we gave them half a chance. After all of the barking we had a very pleasnt walk in the sunshine to the restaurant. We were a bit sweaty when we arrived, but 2 cans of appletize later we were relaxed and it wasnt long until the others arrived to join us who has booked a lift. I was glad of the exercise although my feet and ankles didnt get very tanned which vexed me somewhat.
We stayed at the restaurant for a good few hours and left as the evening started to set in, back at the cottage we had a good chat outside and shared stories. I got my new playing cards out but for some reason nobody wanted to play with me! So i continues solo with a game of solitaire for which Arthur began to call me an old lady! But i dont care because i heard him farting in his sleep the other night! hahahaha. I had the pleasure of telling him so as well! Much to the pleasure of the other volunteers.
Last night the heavens opened, a true african storm, the wind was so strong i am surprised that the cottage wasnt swept away and the the thunder continued all night. It really sounded like some god upstairs decided to have a laugh and switch on a giant tap and let the water just pour down in one huge gush! I couldnt help but feel very sorry for the baby cubs. When we woke this morning the wind had calmed down but the rain was still pouring, we were all soaked by the time we got to the bridge let alone the farm. I went with Quentin to let the cubs out of their house and they were sooooooo cute! Duke pounced on Quentin as soon as he opened the upper gate and following behind him was Tyson who leapt on me with his paws either side of my neck, so i gave him a good cuddle and spin and let him scoot off for his morning piddle. With the rain it didnt take them long to hey soaked and they look so kitten like when they are wet. I think because it was so cool for a change they had lots of energy and did lots of running around. There was a jolly large runny cub poop in the house which myself, Camille and Evelyn had to clear up just before we fed them, but not before Sparky and Dhubba had had their fun of standing in it and walking the pooey footprints around the rest of the house! Not appreciated! Howver, they have the most adorable faced that i just laugh whenever they look at me so decided that they were smelly hyenas and instinct is greater than domestic decorum. So that was that and we managed to clean the house and get them all fed without much trouble. We were just absolutely drenched wet.
So, after all of that it was decided that with the rain as bad as it was we couldnt really do the fence checks which is what we were supposed to do this morning and instead headed off to the superspar earlier than usual. A very nice shopping experience indeed despite the fact that after moaning about the fact that we hadnt been taken to this particular spar before which is in a complex with more shops, Swedish girl decided that she would bugger off for a good hour without telling anyone where she was going. We had to wait for her to show up at which point she had several shopping bags including what looked like 2 pairs of shoes looking very pleased with herself. After explaining that we had been looking and waiting for her we piled into the van all ready to leave. We were all shivering by this point and Quentin had to get back to work...but hold on! Where was Swedish girl now??? OH! Silly me, she is outside the van having a cigarette whilst we all wait for her a little bit more...bloody cheek.
AND whilst im on a rant let me tell you this, we get back to the cottage and the kitchen is in a right bloody mess and the fridge is full of out of date food that past volunteers have left so we all decide to have a jolly good clear out, so we all decide that anything unaccounted for or out of date goes in the bin. Well, as soon as we all start to muck in Swedish disappears outside with a grapetize, packet of cookies and another fag! Which is rude enough BUT then she came and told me off rather aggressively for throwing away her ham!!!...WELL...I CAN TELL YOU THIS! SHE WONT BE BLOODY SPEAKING TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!!!!!! I had a private cheer from the other volunteers later on.
And on that note, i bid you a good night. Hopefully i will have more animal stories for you tomorrow, which is, after all what this is all about. :)
PS Erika was kept indoors this morning because of the rain so i haven't seen her today! :(
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Day 20!!!
Hello there...
I am back! Apologies to those eager followers of mine who missed my blog yesterday! I am sure you didn't know what to do with yourselves when you saw that there was nothing to read. Haha...Ok, maybe not, i am not quite at columnist importance but maybe one day hey. The truth be known i went out for dinner last night with the other volunteers, all except Swedish girl who was too tired. It was a Portuguese restaurant about a 10 minute drive away, it felt odd to be doing something so urban on a work night but that is what we did. I kept forgetting it was a Friday and was concerned at how many people in the bar were getting drunk and enjoying the live music which consisted of a one woman band and her equipment. She was ok. A couple of dodgy starts. When i realised it was the weekend i stopped worrying about how sore heads were going to be in the morning and just laughed at them instead. I myself was on Sprite as I had to take the day off from the farm on Thursday! Alas, you may remember me mentioning having a super spicy dinner in the hope of a burst of energy in my last blog??? However, the effect was not in fact what i had anticpated and actually spent the night and following day dashing to the lavatory! This would not have gone down well if i had of gone to the farm as toilets are few and far between! Led in bed with stomach cramps and cold sweats, i decided i had made the right choice! Next time i choose my spices i shall be more thoughtful to myself. I would like to say that it tasted MARVELLOUS at the time! :) Yum!
So that was my Thursday, not very interesting i am afraid. And then yesterday i went off to the Lion Park with Cat one of the volunteers to skin some meat. Unfortunately for us, all of the meat donated to us this week (if donated is the right word as i dont know what would be done with it if we didnt take it!) has been cow. And this meant that we had to skin the whole lot, usually there has been some horse and maybe some kudu or something which doesnt need to be skinned as the skin is much softer for the lions, but no, it was all cow. I observed and experienced some rather fatty limbs which belonged to a black cow, i didnt have the pleasure of meeting him face to face...or seeing his face, but the leg, bladder area and mid section that i had the pleasure of working with was particularly fatty...the old beefer! I imagine that if he was a human he would have been a bit like Pavarotti! But maybe without the voice. Bless them both.
In the afternoon half the volunteers went off to feed the lions and the other half which included myself did some weeding which was actually very fun despite the physical challenge due to a particularly jolly sing song between myself, Cat and Camille, I think we may have covered everything from 90s Rap to Disney to foreign Christmas songs. Excellent!
Today has been a cleaning day so i dont have too much to say really, although Swedish Girl announced she wasnt coming with us today as she hurt her foot on THURSDAY. Now, considering today is SATURDAY this confused us all somewhat. Especially as she seemed to be limping around the bedroom this morning which we havent noticed before! However, a bad foot is a bad foot afterall, and it makes perfect sense that because of her bad foot she had to stay in bed ALL day today so that she could recover from the damage. Although, she did manage to get up to put on a clothes wash...this consisted of washing just her bra in the washing machine...she has done this twice now. Again, this does confuse us all slightly...But, you may be happy to know that the limp has gone now, and we think she will survive. So thats a blessing.
We are having a Braai tonight and have invited some of the staff along, they arrived about 10 minutes ago so i really should go and join in the festivities and stop typing away...and poking fun out of people with bad feet. Shame on me. I have made my token salad and Arthur and Peter are in charge of meat tonight so hopefully people wont be having charcoal for dinner as my attempt last week turned out. Cat leaved tomorrow so its kind of a farewell too...
Ok my dears, take care and enjoy your Saturday evening. I plan on having a lovely lie in tomorrow and then i plan to tan my feet as i am currently sporting lovely tanned calves alongside white feet and ankles...Its not a good look for me.
To you, ADIEU! xxxxx
I am back! Apologies to those eager followers of mine who missed my blog yesterday! I am sure you didn't know what to do with yourselves when you saw that there was nothing to read. Haha...Ok, maybe not, i am not quite at columnist importance but maybe one day hey. The truth be known i went out for dinner last night with the other volunteers, all except Swedish girl who was too tired. It was a Portuguese restaurant about a 10 minute drive away, it felt odd to be doing something so urban on a work night but that is what we did. I kept forgetting it was a Friday and was concerned at how many people in the bar were getting drunk and enjoying the live music which consisted of a one woman band and her equipment. She was ok. A couple of dodgy starts. When i realised it was the weekend i stopped worrying about how sore heads were going to be in the morning and just laughed at them instead. I myself was on Sprite as I had to take the day off from the farm on Thursday! Alas, you may remember me mentioning having a super spicy dinner in the hope of a burst of energy in my last blog??? However, the effect was not in fact what i had anticpated and actually spent the night and following day dashing to the lavatory! This would not have gone down well if i had of gone to the farm as toilets are few and far between! Led in bed with stomach cramps and cold sweats, i decided i had made the right choice! Next time i choose my spices i shall be more thoughtful to myself. I would like to say that it tasted MARVELLOUS at the time! :) Yum!
So that was my Thursday, not very interesting i am afraid. And then yesterday i went off to the Lion Park with Cat one of the volunteers to skin some meat. Unfortunately for us, all of the meat donated to us this week (if donated is the right word as i dont know what would be done with it if we didnt take it!) has been cow. And this meant that we had to skin the whole lot, usually there has been some horse and maybe some kudu or something which doesnt need to be skinned as the skin is much softer for the lions, but no, it was all cow. I observed and experienced some rather fatty limbs which belonged to a black cow, i didnt have the pleasure of meeting him face to face...or seeing his face, but the leg, bladder area and mid section that i had the pleasure of working with was particularly fatty...the old beefer! I imagine that if he was a human he would have been a bit like Pavarotti! But maybe without the voice. Bless them both.
In the afternoon half the volunteers went off to feed the lions and the other half which included myself did some weeding which was actually very fun despite the physical challenge due to a particularly jolly sing song between myself, Cat and Camille, I think we may have covered everything from 90s Rap to Disney to foreign Christmas songs. Excellent!
Today has been a cleaning day so i dont have too much to say really, although Swedish Girl announced she wasnt coming with us today as she hurt her foot on THURSDAY. Now, considering today is SATURDAY this confused us all somewhat. Especially as she seemed to be limping around the bedroom this morning which we havent noticed before! However, a bad foot is a bad foot afterall, and it makes perfect sense that because of her bad foot she had to stay in bed ALL day today so that she could recover from the damage. Although, she did manage to get up to put on a clothes wash...this consisted of washing just her bra in the washing machine...she has done this twice now. Again, this does confuse us all slightly...But, you may be happy to know that the limp has gone now, and we think she will survive. So thats a blessing.
We are having a Braai tonight and have invited some of the staff along, they arrived about 10 minutes ago so i really should go and join in the festivities and stop typing away...and poking fun out of people with bad feet. Shame on me. I have made my token salad and Arthur and Peter are in charge of meat tonight so hopefully people wont be having charcoal for dinner as my attempt last week turned out. Cat leaved tomorrow so its kind of a farewell too...
Ok my dears, take care and enjoy your Saturday evening. I plan on having a lovely lie in tomorrow and then i plan to tan my feet as i am currently sporting lovely tanned calves alongside white feet and ankles...Its not a good look for me.
To you, ADIEU! xxxxx
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Day 17!!!
Day 17!!!
Howzit! Boy oh boy, I am serleeeeeeeeeepy! Yip yip yip! It isn’t as hot as last week, but for some reason I am feeling a little knakered. I am going to have myself a particularly spicy dinner in hope that it will give me a kick up the backside!
You will be pleased to know that Erika is very much enjoying her new toys. When I went by to see her tonight, she was staring in the mirror talking to herself so I take this as a good sign. There were also signs of her snack treats having been nibbled at so that was also very pleasing. We have a new game that we like to play, its basically her just trying to bite the tip of my finger off as I move it from one side of the cage to another and she just runs backwards and forwards. I get the impression that after a while she finds it slightly frustrating so I have started to let her think she has won by poking a twig through the cage and letting her have it…it seems only fair. Otherwise im just puffing out the poor chick for nothing.
So…what have I been up to since my last blog…Well, yesterday was Tuesday and we finally got to meet Kevin properly. It was really interesting, he took us around the farm and was full of info and stories about the lions. I have do many pictures of him rolling around with the Lions. They really do love him and he really does love them, it was wonderful to see. What was nice was that he didn’t rush around, he spent a lot of time with us, explaining about the animals and their characters, but what was really interesting was hearing him speak about the work they are doing on the farm and what they are trying to achieve. Kevin and his wife Mandy clearly have a huge passion for the work they are doing along with Rodney, Quentin and all of the staff at the Kingdom. It made me very proud to be helping out, even if in just a small way. I look forward to sharing some of the pictures with you, when you see the way Kevin and the animals look at each other you will know what I am jabbering on about.
After lunch we fed the animals, it was a lots of chicks yesterday which meant that cleaning the enclosures today was really mucky. Lots of egg yoke everywhere. YUK! But again, its always nice feeding the lions as they come right up to you and make the sweetest noises, its funny hearing a massive predator sound like a desperate kitten. The hyenas are another story however, as soon as they see the food they start to laugh and it is the best noise you will ever hear! Its like the food comes out of the van and they fall into hysterics just at he sight of it. Brilliant! AND did you know that hyenas will scoff their food down really quickly and later regurgitate it and eat it properly??? Well they do, its because there is a very definite hierarchy within packs of hyenas, and the most dominant will often steal food from the others and because she is in charge they have to let her/him have it. At the Kingdom Sammi is dominant and she is a right cow. Vince unfortunately is at the bottom and is missing an ear and his tail and is covered in cuts and bruises poor thing, and he has to be fed by Rodney otherwise Sammi will just eat all of his food. When Vince is eating he is a nervous wreck, constantly looking behind his shoulder after every bite just in case another Hyena is coming to give him a beating. SO the fact that he can scoff it down and then eat it properly later means that he at least has a good chance of getting a good meal. Bless him, and shame on you Sammi…still, tis nature I spose.
Spent last night getting to know the new volunteers at the cottage. They are great! I love them. Arthur is so sweet, he has round glasses and reminds me a bit of a tall Timmy Mallet. He is from Holland but speaks very good English, hehe, every sentence he speaks sounds like a question which is very cute because he just sounds excited all the time! Haha. Peter his friend doesn’t speak English (apparently) which is weird because he seems to understand every word that I say! If I crack a joke to someone else I notice him snigger, or if I make a point about something within a conversation, I notice a slight nod of the head in concurrence…and if I say something really smart he smiles as if to say, well done!…OK so the latter isn’t quite true! Haha, but I am sure he understands what I am saying. Earlier I asked him if he wanted a muffin and he said no straight away…sure, when I come to think of it I was holding a muffin and shoving it in his face…but still!
Arthur on the other hand speaks, English, Spanish, French and Italian as well as dutch. So I asked him if he was secretly a spy and he laughed this off…rather nervously if you ask me so I think I may be on to something there….
Oooooooo…Bug in my hair!
We now also have Evelyn who is Arthur’s Niece, Bonnie who is also Dutch but doesn’t know the others from Holland and Camille from France. Camille is great because she bursts into song related to something that you have just said…and this doesn’t happen once or twice a day, this happends literally every time you say something…for example, today I was talking to Amy (shes a lion) and she was led on her back in the sun looking at me lazily, and I was telling her that she looked beautiful, and Camille walked past with a bucket full of bones and started singing ‘YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY…’ and later we were sweeping the houses and someone said something about the heat being crazy and the next thing I knew…‘YOU DRIVE ME CRAZY AND IT FEELS ALRIGHT…’ This morning when we were walking to the farm someone pointed out that the moon was still in the sky and it was ’WHEN…THE…MOON HIT’S THE SKY LIKE A BIG PIZZA PIE ITS AMORE!’ and so on and so forward, you get my point. Shes great! SO much fun. AND it gives me an excuse to sing all the time! WooooHOoooo!
I’m now sat outside, just had my spicy dinner which was nice. My mouth is on fire! OH YEAH hot diggedy. I feel quite content, had some lovely cuddles with the cubs today. Im in love with Dhubba the Hyena, he is just so adorable with his floppy ear. But, having said that they are all lush.
There is a rat and a mouse under the table at the moment. Interesting, good thing ive had a shower or they might have mistaken me for something to nibble on. Also there is a bird nest on one of the trees in front of the cottage which I particularly low, low enough to look in and I was lucky enough to take some pics of the 3 chicks inside of it. We are not sure what kind of birds they are at the moment. Will have to do some spying to see what goes in there. ALSO a baby bat fell onto the kitchen floor just now, its so small, I don’t know where it fell from, but its on a tree outside now so we are monitoring it closely in hope that it will fly away to safety!
All in all we are taking good care of each other and the animals! Its all very lovely! J
Howzit! Boy oh boy, I am serleeeeeeeeeepy! Yip yip yip! It isn’t as hot as last week, but for some reason I am feeling a little knakered. I am going to have myself a particularly spicy dinner in hope that it will give me a kick up the backside!
You will be pleased to know that Erika is very much enjoying her new toys. When I went by to see her tonight, she was staring in the mirror talking to herself so I take this as a good sign. There were also signs of her snack treats having been nibbled at so that was also very pleasing. We have a new game that we like to play, its basically her just trying to bite the tip of my finger off as I move it from one side of the cage to another and she just runs backwards and forwards. I get the impression that after a while she finds it slightly frustrating so I have started to let her think she has won by poking a twig through the cage and letting her have it…it seems only fair. Otherwise im just puffing out the poor chick for nothing.
So…what have I been up to since my last blog…Well, yesterday was Tuesday and we finally got to meet Kevin properly. It was really interesting, he took us around the farm and was full of info and stories about the lions. I have do many pictures of him rolling around with the Lions. They really do love him and he really does love them, it was wonderful to see. What was nice was that he didn’t rush around, he spent a lot of time with us, explaining about the animals and their characters, but what was really interesting was hearing him speak about the work they are doing on the farm and what they are trying to achieve. Kevin and his wife Mandy clearly have a huge passion for the work they are doing along with Rodney, Quentin and all of the staff at the Kingdom. It made me very proud to be helping out, even if in just a small way. I look forward to sharing some of the pictures with you, when you see the way Kevin and the animals look at each other you will know what I am jabbering on about.
After lunch we fed the animals, it was a lots of chicks yesterday which meant that cleaning the enclosures today was really mucky. Lots of egg yoke everywhere. YUK! But again, its always nice feeding the lions as they come right up to you and make the sweetest noises, its funny hearing a massive predator sound like a desperate kitten. The hyenas are another story however, as soon as they see the food they start to laugh and it is the best noise you will ever hear! Its like the food comes out of the van and they fall into hysterics just at he sight of it. Brilliant! AND did you know that hyenas will scoff their food down really quickly and later regurgitate it and eat it properly??? Well they do, its because there is a very definite hierarchy within packs of hyenas, and the most dominant will often steal food from the others and because she is in charge they have to let her/him have it. At the Kingdom Sammi is dominant and she is a right cow. Vince unfortunately is at the bottom and is missing an ear and his tail and is covered in cuts and bruises poor thing, and he has to be fed by Rodney otherwise Sammi will just eat all of his food. When Vince is eating he is a nervous wreck, constantly looking behind his shoulder after every bite just in case another Hyena is coming to give him a beating. SO the fact that he can scoff it down and then eat it properly later means that he at least has a good chance of getting a good meal. Bless him, and shame on you Sammi…still, tis nature I spose.
Spent last night getting to know the new volunteers at the cottage. They are great! I love them. Arthur is so sweet, he has round glasses and reminds me a bit of a tall Timmy Mallet. He is from Holland but speaks very good English, hehe, every sentence he speaks sounds like a question which is very cute because he just sounds excited all the time! Haha. Peter his friend doesn’t speak English (apparently) which is weird because he seems to understand every word that I say! If I crack a joke to someone else I notice him snigger, or if I make a point about something within a conversation, I notice a slight nod of the head in concurrence…and if I say something really smart he smiles as if to say, well done!…OK so the latter isn’t quite true! Haha, but I am sure he understands what I am saying. Earlier I asked him if he wanted a muffin and he said no straight away…sure, when I come to think of it I was holding a muffin and shoving it in his face…but still!
Arthur on the other hand speaks, English, Spanish, French and Italian as well as dutch. So I asked him if he was secretly a spy and he laughed this off…rather nervously if you ask me so I think I may be on to something there….
Oooooooo…Bug in my hair!
We now also have Evelyn who is Arthur’s Niece, Bonnie who is also Dutch but doesn’t know the others from Holland and Camille from France. Camille is great because she bursts into song related to something that you have just said…and this doesn’t happen once or twice a day, this happends literally every time you say something…for example, today I was talking to Amy (shes a lion) and she was led on her back in the sun looking at me lazily, and I was telling her that she looked beautiful, and Camille walked past with a bucket full of bones and started singing ‘YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, NO MATTER WHAT THEY SAY…’ and later we were sweeping the houses and someone said something about the heat being crazy and the next thing I knew…‘YOU DRIVE ME CRAZY AND IT FEELS ALRIGHT…’ This morning when we were walking to the farm someone pointed out that the moon was still in the sky and it was ’WHEN…THE…MOON HIT’S THE SKY LIKE A BIG PIZZA PIE ITS AMORE!’ and so on and so forward, you get my point. Shes great! SO much fun. AND it gives me an excuse to sing all the time! WooooHOoooo!
I’m now sat outside, just had my spicy dinner which was nice. My mouth is on fire! OH YEAH hot diggedy. I feel quite content, had some lovely cuddles with the cubs today. Im in love with Dhubba the Hyena, he is just so adorable with his floppy ear. But, having said that they are all lush.
There is a rat and a mouse under the table at the moment. Interesting, good thing ive had a shower or they might have mistaken me for something to nibble on. Also there is a bird nest on one of the trees in front of the cottage which I particularly low, low enough to look in and I was lucky enough to take some pics of the 3 chicks inside of it. We are not sure what kind of birds they are at the moment. Will have to do some spying to see what goes in there. ALSO a baby bat fell onto the kitchen floor just now, its so small, I don’t know where it fell from, but its on a tree outside now so we are monitoring it closely in hope that it will fly away to safety!
All in all we are taking good care of each other and the animals! Its all very lovely! J
Monday, 14 November 2011
Day 15!!!!
Day 15!!!
Bonjour Ma Petite Fleurs!
I hope all is well wherever you may be. I am very good myself, I am currently sat outside at the cottage on Monday evening, it is almost 6.30pm and there is a lovely evening feel here, al the tress in silhouette. The crickets are making a constant hazy background noise and the birds are getting ready for bed. There is a Lourie bird up in the tree in front of me who is doing the end of day checks and every now and then a lion will roar. I am very peaceful, wishing Trist was here with me right now…
So, I last wrote to you on Saturday and told you that I was planning a trip back to Glen Afric to walk with the Elephants. Some of you may have seen some pictures on face book, apologies for not being able to get them onto the blog but most of you have access to the wonderful world of face book so if you haven’t already, check them out.
The Elephant walk was incredible, I think it was always going to be, obviously as elephants are amazing and very cute to watch, however to get as close as we did I couldn’t believe it! We were right up with the mother and two babies, giving them cuddles and tickling their ears! They did have wind! Haha, which was hilarious, those huge chubby bottoms making the funniest noises and they seem to have constant smiles on their faces so it was very sweet…despite how smelly it was! J We walked through the bush to start with and they stopped as much as they could to have a munch in the trees, and then we headed off to a large pond which had hippos in it. The elephants absolutely loved it! Especially the babies, they would have rolled around all day if they could and if the smiles weren’t big enough on their faces before the certainly were by now! When it was time to leave I think they got out and got back in the water again about 3 times because they just didn’t want to leave. Mummy elephant too loved the water but was a bit more mature about it! Haha, The Hippos kept bobbing up and having a look but were too relaxed to come any closer.
On our way back to the restaurant we were so lucky to have 2 warthogs walk in front of us, and I absolutely LOVE warthogs, they are so cute! I know I say that a lot but they are! So so sweet, they are really funny because they stop and look at you for about 10 seconds as if to say ‘Erm…excuse me, would you mind tell me what on earths name you are doing here??? Do you have a reservation!???’ and then they run off! Hashanah.
Lunch started well, very nice food, its an all you can eat buffet at the hotel which is a nice treat at the end of a busy week at the farm, however, I was half way through my creamed spinach when a strom came from nowhere, napkins, glasses, small children were being blown all over the place and the sky roared louder than the lions. Being British I stayed put for as long as I could but it was when my plate itself started to move across the table that I thought I should probably head inside. The storms down here are amazing, wonderful to see. We had to wait for it to pass to get a lift back down to the bridge so we didn’t get back until around about 3pm, which is when I had a nice nap!
Today has been fairly relaxed, we fed the cubs and then had to go and look for an a nyala which had managed to escape the farm somehow, it took us an hour and we had to walk through the think bish again which was a bit harsh on the old legs as there are a lot of twigs and plants which scratch. I was doing my funny walk again as the grass was long and I couldn’t see if there were any snakes underneath, and today wasn’t a day that I wanted to get bitten by a snake.
Once the Nyala was safe back within the farm walls, we left and went to do our weekly shop. I deliberately didn’t buy anything heavy today as didn’t want to carry it all back to the cottage like I did last week which in the afternoon sun was just hell. So that was good. Swedish Girl didn’t take on this theory and seemed to struggle somewhat…oh dear!
I bought Erika some treats today, she really liked them, I got her a new mirror and bell and some snacks, were really good friends now. Ive learnt a new birdy noise which goes ‘Tch Tch Tch Tch Tch…’ its cool.
The Braai went surprisingly well on Saturday night, I made a salad and some pasta and managed to cook the meat which everybody said was really nice even if it was a bit overdone, actually, that’s a lie, Swedish Girl did in fact watch me the whole time and did tell me on multiple occasions that she liked her meat well done but not burnt….well, she bloody well got what she was given…so there! J
I am sat talking to the new volunteers now who are lovely, there are 4 people from Holland and 1 from France, I have moved bedrooms today as well as the house is now full we had to re shuffle, but I am not complaining as it means I don’t have to listen to a certain someone’s snoring anymore! I think you know who I mean! Hehe…
So, now I am going to go and talk to these lovely people some more, also from the time I started to write this to now it has gotten dark and even the Lourie is in bed so I cant really see the keys any more…dodhfo idshlrh4poh ogas nsoadjfhoah e0ej nfooeh o hey09 3u lih fiehw r
Bonjour Ma Petite Fleurs!
I hope all is well wherever you may be. I am very good myself, I am currently sat outside at the cottage on Monday evening, it is almost 6.30pm and there is a lovely evening feel here, al the tress in silhouette. The crickets are making a constant hazy background noise and the birds are getting ready for bed. There is a Lourie bird up in the tree in front of me who is doing the end of day checks and every now and then a lion will roar. I am very peaceful, wishing Trist was here with me right now…
So, I last wrote to you on Saturday and told you that I was planning a trip back to Glen Afric to walk with the Elephants. Some of you may have seen some pictures on face book, apologies for not being able to get them onto the blog but most of you have access to the wonderful world of face book so if you haven’t already, check them out.
The Elephant walk was incredible, I think it was always going to be, obviously as elephants are amazing and very cute to watch, however to get as close as we did I couldn’t believe it! We were right up with the mother and two babies, giving them cuddles and tickling their ears! They did have wind! Haha, which was hilarious, those huge chubby bottoms making the funniest noises and they seem to have constant smiles on their faces so it was very sweet…despite how smelly it was! J We walked through the bush to start with and they stopped as much as they could to have a munch in the trees, and then we headed off to a large pond which had hippos in it. The elephants absolutely loved it! Especially the babies, they would have rolled around all day if they could and if the smiles weren’t big enough on their faces before the certainly were by now! When it was time to leave I think they got out and got back in the water again about 3 times because they just didn’t want to leave. Mummy elephant too loved the water but was a bit more mature about it! Haha, The Hippos kept bobbing up and having a look but were too relaxed to come any closer.
On our way back to the restaurant we were so lucky to have 2 warthogs walk in front of us, and I absolutely LOVE warthogs, they are so cute! I know I say that a lot but they are! So so sweet, they are really funny because they stop and look at you for about 10 seconds as if to say ‘Erm…excuse me, would you mind tell me what on earths name you are doing here??? Do you have a reservation!???’ and then they run off! Hashanah.
Lunch started well, very nice food, its an all you can eat buffet at the hotel which is a nice treat at the end of a busy week at the farm, however, I was half way through my creamed spinach when a strom came from nowhere, napkins, glasses, small children were being blown all over the place and the sky roared louder than the lions. Being British I stayed put for as long as I could but it was when my plate itself started to move across the table that I thought I should probably head inside. The storms down here are amazing, wonderful to see. We had to wait for it to pass to get a lift back down to the bridge so we didn’t get back until around about 3pm, which is when I had a nice nap!
Today has been fairly relaxed, we fed the cubs and then had to go and look for an a nyala which had managed to escape the farm somehow, it took us an hour and we had to walk through the think bish again which was a bit harsh on the old legs as there are a lot of twigs and plants which scratch. I was doing my funny walk again as the grass was long and I couldn’t see if there were any snakes underneath, and today wasn’t a day that I wanted to get bitten by a snake.
Once the Nyala was safe back within the farm walls, we left and went to do our weekly shop. I deliberately didn’t buy anything heavy today as didn’t want to carry it all back to the cottage like I did last week which in the afternoon sun was just hell. So that was good. Swedish Girl didn’t take on this theory and seemed to struggle somewhat…oh dear!
I bought Erika some treats today, she really liked them, I got her a new mirror and bell and some snacks, were really good friends now. Ive learnt a new birdy noise which goes ‘Tch Tch Tch Tch Tch…’ its cool.
The Braai went surprisingly well on Saturday night, I made a salad and some pasta and managed to cook the meat which everybody said was really nice even if it was a bit overdone, actually, that’s a lie, Swedish Girl did in fact watch me the whole time and did tell me on multiple occasions that she liked her meat well done but not burnt….well, she bloody well got what she was given…so there! J
I am sat talking to the new volunteers now who are lovely, there are 4 people from Holland and 1 from France, I have moved bedrooms today as well as the house is now full we had to re shuffle, but I am not complaining as it means I don’t have to listen to a certain someone’s snoring anymore! I think you know who I mean! Hehe…
So, now I am going to go and talk to these lovely people some more, also from the time I started to write this to now it has gotten dark and even the Lourie is in bed so I cant really see the keys any more…dodhfo idshlrh4poh ogas nsoadjfhoah e0ej nfooeh o hey09 3u lih fiehw r
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Day 13!!!
I cannot believe that today is the half way point for me out here! The time has just flown by! In two weeks time it will be my last day on the farm and two weeks tomorrow i shall be heading home! 2 weeks is still an excellent amount of time though, so its all good. And in just 2 weeks we have done so much it has been amazing.
Not too much has happened since i last blogged, its been quite a calm couple of days. Just myself and the 2 other volunteers so very quiet. Between you and me Swedish girl is on thin ice, she found a bug in her boot this morning and i thought the world was going to end! I just walked off and sat with Erika...well, next to her cage anyway. She was in a better mood and doesnt cause a scene when a bug wanders past...probably because she just eats them. No, I think its fair to say that Erika and I have become pretty close this past week, I know shes not the sweetest of lovebirds and has a past, but then, who doesnt!? I'm gonna miss that little pecker. I might even get her a little something from the pet shop before i leave, as a little keep sakes. I could get a miniature picture of myself and put it in a frame for her cage and then she could continue to talk to me....or i could just get her some seeds...OR BOTH! Hell, i could just get her both...
But enough of that! On Monday 5 new volunteers arrive! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy! I cant wait! The house will be full, new faces, new conversation and hopefully new opportunities to have a good giggle. Should be lekker! Im hoping we will start having a few more braais next week as its much nicer sitting outside and hearing the lions and animals making their funny noises. Last night we watched the notebook on dvd and i made such a tit out of myself. Swedish girls face had the same expression as it usually does at the end of the film, i think I saw Cat wipe a tear away from her cheek...and I, yes I was blubbering away like some emotionally insecure blubberbutt! I think i even squeaked at one point as i tried to cover up that i was crying so much. And then of course when i could breath any more from trying to remain quiet i sniffed and the game was given away, a big fat snotty sniff, they looked at me and could immediatly see the streams of running tears on my face...Ah well...I made some comment about men crying always getting to me and went to bed.
Today is Saturday and we have spent the morning cleaning which will continue after lunch, its quite nice actually because it means the hose is constantly ago and if i get hot i just spray myself, although i did accidentally underestimate the pressure of the hose earlier and splashed myself a bit too hard in the face! So far today we have cleaned the enclosure houses, the fridge which was vile, we had to move all the body parts out, clean it and then move them all back in again. There were these funny black slug things trying to attack my feet so i just shot them with the power hose amid evil laughter! Mwahahahahaha...we have also cleaned the bins and soon we shall do the toilets and the vehicles, and when i get a chance i am going to go and have a play with the cubs because they are just soooooo cute!
I was offered a chance to go in with Luke and Nyeba the Hyenas today but declined quite swiftly as am still sporting two very large purple/greenish lumpy bruises on my calf and am not sure that i am in the mood for any more this week.
I saw a rather long snake yesterday slithering across the road, it was long and thin, silvery/green in colour, i must look it up when i get back to the cottage. I also saw a...errr...errm...Oh i've forgotten what its called...NO I HAVEN'T! I saw a Water Manoty (I've spelt that completely wrong) this morning, which basically looks like a little dragon but is in fact like a small alligator. It has small teeth and it was at the end of the bridge as i was crossing it, poor thing looked like it needed a hip replacement to me, but i think that sjust how they walk. It saw me and headed off in the opposite direction and hid in a bush, but not very well because i could still see it. But i left it alone as it was quite big and they're quite strong i think.
We went back in the cage yesterday but this time with Vyatze a male lion and Livia and Virginia who are sisters. Virginia likes to swim which was cute to see. I did almost wet myself however when a piece of meat accidentally landed on top of the cage and Livia managed to hoist herself on top as well...seeing as the roof of the cage is just a wire panel, my heart did go into overdrive and i thought, if that roof caves in, i have no choice but to use Swedish Girl as a shield...luckily it didn't come to that and Livia got down and we were all fine!
Tomorrow is my day off and Cat and I are going on a walk with some elephants! :) we are getting picked up at 09.15 and are being taken to Glen Afric which is a large hotel near by, and there we will meet 3 elephants, 2 babies and a mother and will go for a walk in the bush! I cannot wait! I saw them briefly last week and they were beautiful. We will be taken them to the river for a swim as well....I must try not to get over excited or else i could dive in with them and get squashed! But it is going to be LUSH! I will upload some pictures onto facebook afterwards also, for some reason i have had difficulty getting pictures onto the blog! So sorry about that. Ill try and get Erika in a good mood and get a picture of her for you, shes a one i tell you!
I am going to Braai tonight, I hope it goes ok, usually Tristan is in charge off the cooking of meat on the Braai whilst i stand close by preparing a pretty salad or cutting some bread so it will be an experience. But how hard can it be? Heat some coals, chuck it on, wait a few minutes, flip it, wait a few more minutes, flip it again! BOOM meat is ready! Bobs yer uncle! Easy peasy lemon squeezey!
Ok, im gonna go now. I hope you have enjoyed this weeks antics and i shall be back again next week with some new stories of elephants and hopefully a successful braai dinner.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Holz xxx
I cannot believe that today is the half way point for me out here! The time has just flown by! In two weeks time it will be my last day on the farm and two weeks tomorrow i shall be heading home! 2 weeks is still an excellent amount of time though, so its all good. And in just 2 weeks we have done so much it has been amazing.
Not too much has happened since i last blogged, its been quite a calm couple of days. Just myself and the 2 other volunteers so very quiet. Between you and me Swedish girl is on thin ice, she found a bug in her boot this morning and i thought the world was going to end! I just walked off and sat with Erika...well, next to her cage anyway. She was in a better mood and doesnt cause a scene when a bug wanders past...probably because she just eats them. No, I think its fair to say that Erika and I have become pretty close this past week, I know shes not the sweetest of lovebirds and has a past, but then, who doesnt!? I'm gonna miss that little pecker. I might even get her a little something from the pet shop before i leave, as a little keep sakes. I could get a miniature picture of myself and put it in a frame for her cage and then she could continue to talk to me....or i could just get her some seeds...OR BOTH! Hell, i could just get her both...
But enough of that! On Monday 5 new volunteers arrive! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy! I cant wait! The house will be full, new faces, new conversation and hopefully new opportunities to have a good giggle. Should be lekker! Im hoping we will start having a few more braais next week as its much nicer sitting outside and hearing the lions and animals making their funny noises. Last night we watched the notebook on dvd and i made such a tit out of myself. Swedish girls face had the same expression as it usually does at the end of the film, i think I saw Cat wipe a tear away from her cheek...and I, yes I was blubbering away like some emotionally insecure blubberbutt! I think i even squeaked at one point as i tried to cover up that i was crying so much. And then of course when i could breath any more from trying to remain quiet i sniffed and the game was given away, a big fat snotty sniff, they looked at me and could immediatly see the streams of running tears on my face...Ah well...I made some comment about men crying always getting to me and went to bed.
Today is Saturday and we have spent the morning cleaning which will continue after lunch, its quite nice actually because it means the hose is constantly ago and if i get hot i just spray myself, although i did accidentally underestimate the pressure of the hose earlier and splashed myself a bit too hard in the face! So far today we have cleaned the enclosure houses, the fridge which was vile, we had to move all the body parts out, clean it and then move them all back in again. There were these funny black slug things trying to attack my feet so i just shot them with the power hose amid evil laughter! Mwahahahahaha...we have also cleaned the bins and soon we shall do the toilets and the vehicles, and when i get a chance i am going to go and have a play with the cubs because they are just soooooo cute!
I was offered a chance to go in with Luke and Nyeba the Hyenas today but declined quite swiftly as am still sporting two very large purple/greenish lumpy bruises on my calf and am not sure that i am in the mood for any more this week.
I saw a rather long snake yesterday slithering across the road, it was long and thin, silvery/green in colour, i must look it up when i get back to the cottage. I also saw a...errr...errm...Oh i've forgotten what its called...NO I HAVEN'T! I saw a Water Manoty (I've spelt that completely wrong) this morning, which basically looks like a little dragon but is in fact like a small alligator. It has small teeth and it was at the end of the bridge as i was crossing it, poor thing looked like it needed a hip replacement to me, but i think that sjust how they walk. It saw me and headed off in the opposite direction and hid in a bush, but not very well because i could still see it. But i left it alone as it was quite big and they're quite strong i think.
We went back in the cage yesterday but this time with Vyatze a male lion and Livia and Virginia who are sisters. Virginia likes to swim which was cute to see. I did almost wet myself however when a piece of meat accidentally landed on top of the cage and Livia managed to hoist herself on top as well...seeing as the roof of the cage is just a wire panel, my heart did go into overdrive and i thought, if that roof caves in, i have no choice but to use Swedish Girl as a shield...luckily it didn't come to that and Livia got down and we were all fine!
Tomorrow is my day off and Cat and I are going on a walk with some elephants! :) we are getting picked up at 09.15 and are being taken to Glen Afric which is a large hotel near by, and there we will meet 3 elephants, 2 babies and a mother and will go for a walk in the bush! I cannot wait! I saw them briefly last week and they were beautiful. We will be taken them to the river for a swim as well....I must try not to get over excited or else i could dive in with them and get squashed! But it is going to be LUSH! I will upload some pictures onto facebook afterwards also, for some reason i have had difficulty getting pictures onto the blog! So sorry about that. Ill try and get Erika in a good mood and get a picture of her for you, shes a one i tell you!
I am going to Braai tonight, I hope it goes ok, usually Tristan is in charge off the cooking of meat on the Braai whilst i stand close by preparing a pretty salad or cutting some bread so it will be an experience. But how hard can it be? Heat some coals, chuck it on, wait a few minutes, flip it, wait a few more minutes, flip it again! BOOM meat is ready! Bobs yer uncle! Easy peasy lemon squeezey!
Ok, im gonna go now. I hope you have enjoyed this weeks antics and i shall be back again next week with some new stories of elephants and hopefully a successful braai dinner.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Holz xxx
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Day 11!!!
12:30 Thursday afternoon
34 Degrees
Scratches = 57
Trips over rocks = 24
Sweat Patches = 1093
Hyeana Bites = 2
Oh my gooodness, IT IS HOOOOOTTT!!! Even the locals are struggling, its good to be out of the sun. Ive spent the morning with George and the two other volunteers walking around the outskirts of the farm looking for poachers traps. Luckily we didnt find any snares which hopefully means that there arent any! Which is good. Aside from the heat grinding us down it was a pleasant and long walk, we were next to the river mainly and I saw lots of birds and funny looking creepy crawlies. We were also lucky enough to see 2 Baboons walking on the other side of the water and boy were they big! Absolutely massive! I was so glad they were on the other side or else they might have ripped my head off! Haha, but they were very cool and making some funky noises too!
Yesterday was a good day. Being a bird fan i was asked to join Quentin with some visitors from the Raptor Conservation Programme to walk around the farm and check all of the bird boxes, it was really interesting and these people really knew their stuff, we saw to African Fish Eagles flying around so i whipped out my Binoculars and had a good look, they are beautiful creatures and grow up to about 75/80cm long, and these too looked big even from a distance so im guessing they were full grown ones. There are so many different birds out here and i keep trying to copy them to see if they will come any closer to me, much to amusement of the other volunteers, So far the closest ive got is to Erika the lovebird who lives in a cage by our cottage...so i dont think that really counts, although she does talk back to me and we like to have a little natter in the morning and evening. Shes a bit of a bitch, pecked the male that was put in with her to death apparantly! But that doesnt have anything to do with me so i talk to her all the same.
Whilst we were out on our walk with the Bird peeps yesterday we stopped off to visit Kahn the black Leopards and Luke and Nyeba the Hyenas. Volunteers arent supposed to go in with them anymore as they have gotten too big but seeing as it was just me i was allowed in. After some sniffing around and a gentle hell from Kahn, he went off to play underneath a tree. Then came the Hyenas, they sniffed around the guests and seemed nice and calm...that was until they came up to sniff me...they were behind me sniffing my legs which seemed quite normal but something changed and they didnt seem to like me anymore, one of them bit my left calf which really hurt! So after squealing like a baby pig it did i again! This time harder, luckily Quentin arrived just as they were both about to mess me up and he held them back whilst i ran like a giraffe on drugs out of the enclosure where i obviously had to act cool! Smiling and laughing it off i went to talk to Kahn through the fence, however the guests didn't stick around in the enclosure after that! I am sporting two very large, lumpy and purple bruises on my left leg today! haha...its not so bad, if they really meant business it wouldn't have taken them any effort to get past the skin. However, i wont be going in there again, apparently if Hyena doesn't like you, it will never like you! And that's all i need to know!
After lunch yesterday most of the workers and the volunteers went off to clean the houses but i was asked to stay behind and do some work on the computer in the office, which was fine, i managed to update a lot of spreadsheets and stuff, mainly to do with the lions and the enclosures...feeding charts and birth charts etc etc so it helped me to learn some more of the names, but again, it was hot! There is no breeze in the office, just heat so every time i stood up i had wet shorts from where my legs had sweated to the material! Niiiiice! Spent the afternoon looking like i had wet myself continuously!
It was whilst i was in the office yesterday avo that Quentin shouted for me to get outside quickly, he had been encountered by a Mozambique Spitting Cobra on the path which we walk up and down to get from the nursery to the office, by the time i had got there it was gone, but he said it had stood up tall to confront him but had got scared and slithered off. The snakes spit in its preys eyes to blind them and then when they cannot see they move in to bite and kill them before eating them. Quentin was clearly too big, although he said it must have been 2 meters long!...I seem to have adopted a slightly animated walk whilst heading up and down the path now...almost like i cant walk without lifting my knees up to my chin...its attractive!
There haven't been any more bat incidents thank goodness and i didnt find it suffocated under Annas pillow which was a blessing. She was convinced it had got into the next bedroom however, i don't think this was true as the door was locked, and im not sure that Bats can fly through doors?
I haven't had any ticks so far this week which is nice. Last week i found one snuggled into my arm pit and one on my ankle! And those buggers hurt when you pull them off i can tell you! They cling on with dear life! I did wash one down the sink and it looked quite fun as it went round and round and round the sink bowl until it finally popped down the plug hole, almost like a really big water slide! And i am sure i heard a very faint 'Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' as it went!
Ok, I have to move on now before i get stuck to the chair again!
Ill be back on Saturday. Enjoy your Friday! xxx
34 Degrees
Scratches = 57
Trips over rocks = 24
Sweat Patches = 1093
Hyeana Bites = 2
Oh my gooodness, IT IS HOOOOOTTT!!! Even the locals are struggling, its good to be out of the sun. Ive spent the morning with George and the two other volunteers walking around the outskirts of the farm looking for poachers traps. Luckily we didnt find any snares which hopefully means that there arent any! Which is good. Aside from the heat grinding us down it was a pleasant and long walk, we were next to the river mainly and I saw lots of birds and funny looking creepy crawlies. We were also lucky enough to see 2 Baboons walking on the other side of the water and boy were they big! Absolutely massive! I was so glad they were on the other side or else they might have ripped my head off! Haha, but they were very cool and making some funky noises too!
Yesterday was a good day. Being a bird fan i was asked to join Quentin with some visitors from the Raptor Conservation Programme to walk around the farm and check all of the bird boxes, it was really interesting and these people really knew their stuff, we saw to African Fish Eagles flying around so i whipped out my Binoculars and had a good look, they are beautiful creatures and grow up to about 75/80cm long, and these too looked big even from a distance so im guessing they were full grown ones. There are so many different birds out here and i keep trying to copy them to see if they will come any closer to me, much to amusement of the other volunteers, So far the closest ive got is to Erika the lovebird who lives in a cage by our cottage...so i dont think that really counts, although she does talk back to me and we like to have a little natter in the morning and evening. Shes a bit of a bitch, pecked the male that was put in with her to death apparantly! But that doesnt have anything to do with me so i talk to her all the same.
Whilst we were out on our walk with the Bird peeps yesterday we stopped off to visit Kahn the black Leopards and Luke and Nyeba the Hyenas. Volunteers arent supposed to go in with them anymore as they have gotten too big but seeing as it was just me i was allowed in. After some sniffing around and a gentle hell from Kahn, he went off to play underneath a tree. Then came the Hyenas, they sniffed around the guests and seemed nice and calm...that was until they came up to sniff me...they were behind me sniffing my legs which seemed quite normal but something changed and they didnt seem to like me anymore, one of them bit my left calf which really hurt! So after squealing like a baby pig it did i again! This time harder, luckily Quentin arrived just as they were both about to mess me up and he held them back whilst i ran like a giraffe on drugs out of the enclosure where i obviously had to act cool! Smiling and laughing it off i went to talk to Kahn through the fence, however the guests didn't stick around in the enclosure after that! I am sporting two very large, lumpy and purple bruises on my left leg today! haha...its not so bad, if they really meant business it wouldn't have taken them any effort to get past the skin. However, i wont be going in there again, apparently if Hyena doesn't like you, it will never like you! And that's all i need to know!
After lunch yesterday most of the workers and the volunteers went off to clean the houses but i was asked to stay behind and do some work on the computer in the office, which was fine, i managed to update a lot of spreadsheets and stuff, mainly to do with the lions and the enclosures...feeding charts and birth charts etc etc so it helped me to learn some more of the names, but again, it was hot! There is no breeze in the office, just heat so every time i stood up i had wet shorts from where my legs had sweated to the material! Niiiiice! Spent the afternoon looking like i had wet myself continuously!
It was whilst i was in the office yesterday avo that Quentin shouted for me to get outside quickly, he had been encountered by a Mozambique Spitting Cobra on the path which we walk up and down to get from the nursery to the office, by the time i had got there it was gone, but he said it had stood up tall to confront him but had got scared and slithered off. The snakes spit in its preys eyes to blind them and then when they cannot see they move in to bite and kill them before eating them. Quentin was clearly too big, although he said it must have been 2 meters long!...I seem to have adopted a slightly animated walk whilst heading up and down the path now...almost like i cant walk without lifting my knees up to my chin...its attractive!
There haven't been any more bat incidents thank goodness and i didnt find it suffocated under Annas pillow which was a blessing. She was convinced it had got into the next bedroom however, i don't think this was true as the door was locked, and im not sure that Bats can fly through doors?
I haven't had any ticks so far this week which is nice. Last week i found one snuggled into my arm pit and one on my ankle! And those buggers hurt when you pull them off i can tell you! They cling on with dear life! I did wash one down the sink and it looked quite fun as it went round and round and round the sink bowl until it finally popped down the plug hole, almost like a really big water slide! And i am sure i heard a very faint 'Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee' as it went!
Ok, I have to move on now before i get stuck to the chair again!
Ill be back on Saturday. Enjoy your Friday! xxx
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Day 9!!!
Hello! And welcome to day 9!
I dont have long so expect this to make little sense! :)
Well, it is Tuesday afternoon and i havent blogged since Saturday so i have much to tell.
On Sunday, my day of rest I did exactly that. Myself and the other girls went for lunch at a near by hotel which was very pretty, they have elephants there so i am going back this Sunday to go for a walk with them and help feed them. Other than that Sunday was just really relaxed...and i managed to upload some photos for you all finally!
Yesterday, turned out to be fairly quiet as well. As it was leaving day for Jerry and Julie two of the Volunteers, they had to be taken to the airport at 2.30pm so by the afternoon we were pretty much finished for the day. I spent the morning cleaning the cubs house which was hot and as many of you know, with humans baby poo is a lot stinkier and runnier, and this is pretty much the case with cubs as well...the stuff was everywhere! Little sods! Tyson made up for it this morning when he jumped on my back and gave me a huge cuddle, so that was nice!
When we were done cleaning yesterday we had to go and do out grocery shop which was your standard trip to Spar, i treated myself to a pizza which happens to be buy one get one free on lunch times, so i should have got 2 but somehow ended up with 4 pizzas! So i dont know what i did wrong there...i still have 2 left at the cottage...strange!
A lovely young girl called Cat arrived at the cottage last night, she will be here for 2 weeks and seems really nice. She talks a lot and has many stories as has just come from New Zealand so thats cool. There was a bit of drama last night which got on my wick a bit...we were getting ready for bed and Anna the Swedish girl was upstairs...all of a sudden she started screaming! Now, earlier there had been a mouse in the lounge which she wasnt very happy about but i thought the poor little squeaker couldnt have possibly made it up the stairs...anyway, tuens out there was a bat in our room which is quite common because the cottage is made of wood and has big rafters so that can get in sometimes...Anyway, Anna was getting quite hysterical about it, Cat and I headed up to calm the storm and the bat to be fair was tiny...I tried the scientific approach by explaining to Anna that Bats are very clever and let out very high pitched screams so that the sound can vibrate off of objects helping them not to bump into things, 'I KNOW! BUT I DON'T WANT IT TO EAT ME!' Anna exclaimed! Bewildered I couldnt think of anything to entertain this comment so suggested that she move into the next bedroom...she didnt like that idea...After some more screeching which by now was getting slightly vexing i suggested that we all move into the next bedroom so that she could relax...to this she responded 'YEAH BUT IF WE GO IN THERE THE MOUSE MIGHT GET ME!'...well, im a pretty reasonable person and sensitive at the best of times, but that was just bloody ridiculous so i got into bed told Anna to put her eye mask and ear buds in and i switched my lamp off! I mean honestly! It upset me when she said that she wanted it to be so scared that it would die and fall from the ceiling!!! And if that did happen it would have landed on my head! But im glad it didnt, it was gone this morning so it must have gone back into the roof...or Anna secretly killed it and hid it under her pillow or something...I should check that when i get back...Hmmmmmm...
This morning Cat had her Orientation around the farm and Anna and I had to head back to the lion park to skin some more meat. There isnt a cloud in the sky today and it is HOT! So the smell was even more putrid, but the meat was fresher which meant it was softer which meant that we managed to get through a lot more of it! And it meant we got to go and see the lion cubs again which was nice. On the way back to the farm Kevin drove past in his bakkie and stopped to introduce himself which was nice, good to finally meet him, he will be back to show us his interacting with the lions Napoleon and Tau next week which will be really cool to see. I tried to act cool, but every time i try to act cool i just end up looking like ive got a dodgy eye so i just put my sunglasses on and kept quiet!
This avo its feeding time...so sweat and blook here I come...LUSH! I dont mind, its cool really, see how many names i can remember.
Ok my friends, i shall be back to blog on Thursday, so be good...and if you cant be good be careful!
I dont have long so expect this to make little sense! :)
Well, it is Tuesday afternoon and i havent blogged since Saturday so i have much to tell.
On Sunday, my day of rest I did exactly that. Myself and the other girls went for lunch at a near by hotel which was very pretty, they have elephants there so i am going back this Sunday to go for a walk with them and help feed them. Other than that Sunday was just really relaxed...and i managed to upload some photos for you all finally!
Yesterday, turned out to be fairly quiet as well. As it was leaving day for Jerry and Julie two of the Volunteers, they had to be taken to the airport at 2.30pm so by the afternoon we were pretty much finished for the day. I spent the morning cleaning the cubs house which was hot and as many of you know, with humans baby poo is a lot stinkier and runnier, and this is pretty much the case with cubs as well...the stuff was everywhere! Little sods! Tyson made up for it this morning when he jumped on my back and gave me a huge cuddle, so that was nice!
When we were done cleaning yesterday we had to go and do out grocery shop which was your standard trip to Spar, i treated myself to a pizza which happens to be buy one get one free on lunch times, so i should have got 2 but somehow ended up with 4 pizzas! So i dont know what i did wrong there...i still have 2 left at the cottage...strange!
A lovely young girl called Cat arrived at the cottage last night, she will be here for 2 weeks and seems really nice. She talks a lot and has many stories as has just come from New Zealand so thats cool. There was a bit of drama last night which got on my wick a bit...we were getting ready for bed and Anna the Swedish girl was upstairs...all of a sudden she started screaming! Now, earlier there had been a mouse in the lounge which she wasnt very happy about but i thought the poor little squeaker couldnt have possibly made it up the stairs...anyway, tuens out there was a bat in our room which is quite common because the cottage is made of wood and has big rafters so that can get in sometimes...Anyway, Anna was getting quite hysterical about it, Cat and I headed up to calm the storm and the bat to be fair was tiny...I tried the scientific approach by explaining to Anna that Bats are very clever and let out very high pitched screams so that the sound can vibrate off of objects helping them not to bump into things, 'I KNOW! BUT I DON'T WANT IT TO EAT ME!' Anna exclaimed! Bewildered I couldnt think of anything to entertain this comment so suggested that she move into the next bedroom...she didnt like that idea...After some more screeching which by now was getting slightly vexing i suggested that we all move into the next bedroom so that she could relax...to this she responded 'YEAH BUT IF WE GO IN THERE THE MOUSE MIGHT GET ME!'...well, im a pretty reasonable person and sensitive at the best of times, but that was just bloody ridiculous so i got into bed told Anna to put her eye mask and ear buds in and i switched my lamp off! I mean honestly! It upset me when she said that she wanted it to be so scared that it would die and fall from the ceiling!!! And if that did happen it would have landed on my head! But im glad it didnt, it was gone this morning so it must have gone back into the roof...or Anna secretly killed it and hid it under her pillow or something...I should check that when i get back...Hmmmmmm...
This morning Cat had her Orientation around the farm and Anna and I had to head back to the lion park to skin some more meat. There isnt a cloud in the sky today and it is HOT! So the smell was even more putrid, but the meat was fresher which meant it was softer which meant that we managed to get through a lot more of it! And it meant we got to go and see the lion cubs again which was nice. On the way back to the farm Kevin drove past in his bakkie and stopped to introduce himself which was nice, good to finally meet him, he will be back to show us his interacting with the lions Napoleon and Tau next week which will be really cool to see. I tried to act cool, but every time i try to act cool i just end up looking like ive got a dodgy eye so i just put my sunglasses on and kept quiet!
This avo its feeding time...so sweat and blook here I come...LUSH! I dont mind, its cool really, see how many names i can remember.
Ok my friends, i shall be back to blog on Thursday, so be good...and if you cant be good be careful!
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Day 6!!!
Good afternoon!
Hope everyone is well who is reading this. It is 12:45 here in sunny SA! You are all probably enjoying a lovely Saturday off where as I am covered in muck again! Ah well... I'm not complaining. Since I last blogged (i still cant get used to that word! BLOG...BLOGGING!!!) I have been pretty busy, so i shall now tell you all about it.
Yesterday morning we got to the farm and myself and Anna another volunteer were picked up by a guy called Jim who works here in the big van which we like to call sprinter, its an in joke thing so you wouldn't understand! ;) We headed off to the Lion Park which is about a 25 minute drive from the farm. When we arrived we were taken through the park which is basically like a tourist attraction with lions, hyenas, a giraffe, mere cats etc etc, and dropped off on the outskirts next to a yard which appeared to have a few large fridges. Here we were met by Laurence another guy on the farm who had indeed started work on the meat...and when i say meat i mean MEAT!!! Inside the fridge, as i glanced in sheepishly, there were horse heads, cow heads, what looked like the head of a small buffalo and a busy Laurence slicing away at a cow carcass...without much ado we were already carrying the pieces from the fridge and dumping them in the yard...where they could at least cool off a bit! When all of the meat was in the yard we were then handed a knife and were shown how to cut through the skin of a cow head and were very kindly allowed to pick one and have a go for ourselves! Not long after i began i did take a little walk to catch my breath, the smell was rancid and my cow seemed to have a funny look on his face which was making me feel dizzy!
After sorting myself out and giving myself a bitch slap i continued, although it became quite apparent that the heads were still too hard from the fridge so we skinned some legs and thighs and stuff instead which was much nicer...although not nice if you know what i mean. When we finished the Swedish girl who i hadnt been paying much attention too said to me with a cheery smile 'Oh, poor Laurence, he has skinned so much and we have both only each done one piece.' 'Yeah...' I replied covered in sweat and blood...but little did she know that all the way back to the farm i felt oddly smug about the fact that i had in fact skinned two pieces, not one! Mwahahahahaha,...But i didn't have the heart to tell her because i am nice like that! On reflection however, i don't know why that made me proud, other than the fact that i was responsible for feeding more lions!
After the bloody ordeal i unzipped the bottom of my trousers (because i have special trousers) and popped them into a carrier bag as they were covered in blood and lumps of flesh and washed myself down a bit, i threw away my gloved because i couldn't bare to wash the sticky stuff off of them and i bought some more later which i know was lazy but it was either that or be sick. We were now allowed to enter the lion park and spend some time with the lion cubs, giraffe and other animals which was nice. I particularly liked the mere cats, especially one which just popped out of his hole and just flopped over it with his arms above his head. He was cool, i don't know what his name was so i just called him 'funny boy'...I then ventured into the shop and bought myself a rather dashing hat and i now walk around the farm like ive just come straight from crocodile dundee...i am very cool!
After returning to the farm i scoffed down lunch and then we all headed to the enclosures to feed the boys with he meat we had collected...and skinned...that morning. By the time it was coming to home time the heavens opened and a big storm came which was beautiful. Rain drops the size of marshmallows, lightening that lit the entire sky as far as you could see and thunder which you wouldnt mess with if you met it in a dark alley...walking across the bridge to get back to the cottage was a bit sketchy!
I went to bed at 8.30am! Shame on me!...
...BUT i was up at 4.30am this morning! SO not that shameful! Myself and Jerry one of the other volunteers got up early and walked to the farm as a film crew and production team were at the farm filming some of the lions, they needed one particular shot to complete some filming that they started last week to use in their feature film which they are creating...its a comedy...i can;t say no more. The lions were well behaved but didn't really do what they wanted them too, as the lions here aren't trained, its quite a tough process trying to get them to do something specific, but i thought it was funny. It was cool to be there and help and it was even cooler driving in the sprinter with to lions in the back! I forgot they were there at one point and look around and one of them was staring me right in the face!
After the film crew had all packed up and gone we went back to base to collect the brushes and buckets and stuff and went to the enclosures to clean the houses which was hot work...its very hot today. Because i got here early it kind of feels like it should be about 4pm now but its not...and there a lot of cleaning to get done this afternoon...alas, its all go go go. Its been an awesome week though, im gonna go and have a little play with the cubs just now...I am looking forward to a lie in tomorrow it has to be said.
I will do my upmost to upload some pictures tomorrow, but if i cant, keep reading! Until next time my little ferrets,
Holz xxx
PS i am always writing these in a rush and am aware of the vast amount of typing errors, however, i have kept them in for your amusement!
God Byee
Hope everyone is well who is reading this. It is 12:45 here in sunny SA! You are all probably enjoying a lovely Saturday off where as I am covered in muck again! Ah well... I'm not complaining. Since I last blogged (i still cant get used to that word! BLOG...BLOGGING!!!) I have been pretty busy, so i shall now tell you all about it.
Yesterday morning we got to the farm and myself and Anna another volunteer were picked up by a guy called Jim who works here in the big van which we like to call sprinter, its an in joke thing so you wouldn't understand! ;) We headed off to the Lion Park which is about a 25 minute drive from the farm. When we arrived we were taken through the park which is basically like a tourist attraction with lions, hyenas, a giraffe, mere cats etc etc, and dropped off on the outskirts next to a yard which appeared to have a few large fridges. Here we were met by Laurence another guy on the farm who had indeed started work on the meat...and when i say meat i mean MEAT!!! Inside the fridge, as i glanced in sheepishly, there were horse heads, cow heads, what looked like the head of a small buffalo and a busy Laurence slicing away at a cow carcass...without much ado we were already carrying the pieces from the fridge and dumping them in the yard...where they could at least cool off a bit! When all of the meat was in the yard we were then handed a knife and were shown how to cut through the skin of a cow head and were very kindly allowed to pick one and have a go for ourselves! Not long after i began i did take a little walk to catch my breath, the smell was rancid and my cow seemed to have a funny look on his face which was making me feel dizzy!
After sorting myself out and giving myself a bitch slap i continued, although it became quite apparent that the heads were still too hard from the fridge so we skinned some legs and thighs and stuff instead which was much nicer...although not nice if you know what i mean. When we finished the Swedish girl who i hadnt been paying much attention too said to me with a cheery smile 'Oh, poor Laurence, he has skinned so much and we have both only each done one piece.' 'Yeah...' I replied covered in sweat and blood...but little did she know that all the way back to the farm i felt oddly smug about the fact that i had in fact skinned two pieces, not one! Mwahahahahaha,...But i didn't have the heart to tell her because i am nice like that! On reflection however, i don't know why that made me proud, other than the fact that i was responsible for feeding more lions!
After the bloody ordeal i unzipped the bottom of my trousers (because i have special trousers) and popped them into a carrier bag as they were covered in blood and lumps of flesh and washed myself down a bit, i threw away my gloved because i couldn't bare to wash the sticky stuff off of them and i bought some more later which i know was lazy but it was either that or be sick. We were now allowed to enter the lion park and spend some time with the lion cubs, giraffe and other animals which was nice. I particularly liked the mere cats, especially one which just popped out of his hole and just flopped over it with his arms above his head. He was cool, i don't know what his name was so i just called him 'funny boy'...I then ventured into the shop and bought myself a rather dashing hat and i now walk around the farm like ive just come straight from crocodile dundee...i am very cool!
After returning to the farm i scoffed down lunch and then we all headed to the enclosures to feed the boys with he meat we had collected...and skinned...that morning. By the time it was coming to home time the heavens opened and a big storm came which was beautiful. Rain drops the size of marshmallows, lightening that lit the entire sky as far as you could see and thunder which you wouldnt mess with if you met it in a dark alley...walking across the bridge to get back to the cottage was a bit sketchy!
I went to bed at 8.30am! Shame on me!...
...BUT i was up at 4.30am this morning! SO not that shameful! Myself and Jerry one of the other volunteers got up early and walked to the farm as a film crew and production team were at the farm filming some of the lions, they needed one particular shot to complete some filming that they started last week to use in their feature film which they are creating...its a comedy...i can;t say no more. The lions were well behaved but didn't really do what they wanted them too, as the lions here aren't trained, its quite a tough process trying to get them to do something specific, but i thought it was funny. It was cool to be there and help and it was even cooler driving in the sprinter with to lions in the back! I forgot they were there at one point and look around and one of them was staring me right in the face!
After the film crew had all packed up and gone we went back to base to collect the brushes and buckets and stuff and went to the enclosures to clean the houses which was hot work...its very hot today. Because i got here early it kind of feels like it should be about 4pm now but its not...and there a lot of cleaning to get done this afternoon...alas, its all go go go. Its been an awesome week though, im gonna go and have a little play with the cubs just now...I am looking forward to a lie in tomorrow it has to be said.
I will do my upmost to upload some pictures tomorrow, but if i cant, keep reading! Until next time my little ferrets,
Holz xxx
PS i am always writing these in a rush and am aware of the vast amount of typing errors, however, i have kept them in for your amusement!
God Byee
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Day 4!!!
Hey there y'all!
Well, its day here on the farm...but i suppose i should tell you what i did yesterday!...
Yesterday was physically very challenging. It was very hot in the morning and in the afternoon, it wasn't until the evening that it cooled down. In the morning we fed the cubs to start with which consisted of day old chicks and chunks of meat covered in a powder which has multivitamins in it for them. The cubs are very playful in the morning and are always happy to have somebody to play with. As i was taking their food into their pen i did walk into the hyena cub cage which is made out of iron and i am now sporting a nice red bump on my forehead! haha. After feeding the cubs we went off to the big cat enclosures and had the task of clearing them all of bones and poo! This already not the most loveliest jobs was added too by the heat which was was quite intense. I think we cleared about 6 or 7 enclosures which are really quite big. The process takes place with the workers and volunteers standing in a spaced out line at one end of the enclosure holding a bucket, a spade and a little brush. Then we all walked forward in a line and picked up all the poop and bones! When we reached the other end we turned around and cleared the rest of the enclosure going the opposite way! Being away of puff adders which will kill you in 15 minutes if they bite you, i used my spade to tap the floor ahead of me! Just to scare them off! :) God knows what i must have looked like!
At about 13:00 we headed back to base for lunch where myself and the other 3 volunteers fell asleep for a little while in the shade, we ourselves looked like a pack of lions i am sure! I woke up with dribble all down my cheek and hand! Lovely!
After luch we headed back to the enclosures in groups now to clean out the houses which is where the animals are locked away into during their feeding times and whilst the enclosures are cleaned. So that was another few hours of picking up bones and getting a bit messy, a bit back breaking too as the ceiling are not very high! But we managed to get them all done which was good. Quite a satisfying task really.
We returned back to base to give the cubs their evening meal and to put them to bed, and once again i head butted the cage! If it happens again i am going to start blaming the cage!
I got back to our cottage last night and had a well need shower as i really stank...but we all did so it was ok! After that Quentin one of the guys who works here came over and cooked us a braai which was soooooo good! I was in bed by 9.30pm...again! WILD!
This morning has been amazing! We played with the cubs for well over an hour and they were particularly playful whihc explains why i had 4 muddy paw prints on my back!!! They are sleepy at the moment because of the afternoon heat and are flopped of the tree trunk! After playing with them we were taken off in the van to find out what our 'surprise' was! Rodney, one of the guys who has worked with the lions here for year took to of the lionesses out for a walk (Meg and Aimee), so we were allowed to follow on behind in the van and see him with them, as soon as they were let out of the cage they just ran and let the wind brush through their fluffy ears, so lovely to see, they were supposed to carry on following Rodney over the plain but instead found some bones under a tree and decided to lay there for a while! hehe, eventually they came back to us and we headed off down to the river. The most beautiful spot ever! Here, we were able to do a role reversal! On the sandy bank next to the river stood a cage which we all got in, not a very bog cage i might add. When we were in Rodney released Aimee and Meg and they had a nice play by and in the water, we watched them from the cage and they looked so beautiful. Got some great pictures too! We stayed there for a while and they came and led next to us, we couldn't have got any closer! It was lush. When it was time to go we headed back here to base to grab our lunch which i have just scoffed down as i was staaaarving and now i am writing this, so we are up to date! :)
I think after lunch we are doing road maintenance which is basically filling in holes and stuff...its gonna be hot! Was 34 degrees last time i looked! Also, we are having a braai here tonight when we are finished so wont be rushing back to the cottage...does mean we have to walk over the monkey bridge in the dark though which i am not thinking about at the moment!...Errrrrrr...
I shall be back to fill you in on Saturday...tomorrow i will be skinning large pieces of fresh meat for the first time so i will tell you all about it! Look forward to it wont you!
Bye for now....Holz x
PS pictures on Sunday hopefully! Am not allowed to do uploads here. x
Well, its day here on the farm...but i suppose i should tell you what i did yesterday!...
Yesterday was physically very challenging. It was very hot in the morning and in the afternoon, it wasn't until the evening that it cooled down. In the morning we fed the cubs to start with which consisted of day old chicks and chunks of meat covered in a powder which has multivitamins in it for them. The cubs are very playful in the morning and are always happy to have somebody to play with. As i was taking their food into their pen i did walk into the hyena cub cage which is made out of iron and i am now sporting a nice red bump on my forehead! haha. After feeding the cubs we went off to the big cat enclosures and had the task of clearing them all of bones and poo! This already not the most loveliest jobs was added too by the heat which was was quite intense. I think we cleared about 6 or 7 enclosures which are really quite big. The process takes place with the workers and volunteers standing in a spaced out line at one end of the enclosure holding a bucket, a spade and a little brush. Then we all walked forward in a line and picked up all the poop and bones! When we reached the other end we turned around and cleared the rest of the enclosure going the opposite way! Being away of puff adders which will kill you in 15 minutes if they bite you, i used my spade to tap the floor ahead of me! Just to scare them off! :) God knows what i must have looked like!
At about 13:00 we headed back to base for lunch where myself and the other 3 volunteers fell asleep for a little while in the shade, we ourselves looked like a pack of lions i am sure! I woke up with dribble all down my cheek and hand! Lovely!
After luch we headed back to the enclosures in groups now to clean out the houses which is where the animals are locked away into during their feeding times and whilst the enclosures are cleaned. So that was another few hours of picking up bones and getting a bit messy, a bit back breaking too as the ceiling are not very high! But we managed to get them all done which was good. Quite a satisfying task really.
We returned back to base to give the cubs their evening meal and to put them to bed, and once again i head butted the cage! If it happens again i am going to start blaming the cage!
I got back to our cottage last night and had a well need shower as i really stank...but we all did so it was ok! After that Quentin one of the guys who works here came over and cooked us a braai which was soooooo good! I was in bed by 9.30pm...again! WILD!
This morning has been amazing! We played with the cubs for well over an hour and they were particularly playful whihc explains why i had 4 muddy paw prints on my back!!! They are sleepy at the moment because of the afternoon heat and are flopped of the tree trunk! After playing with them we were taken off in the van to find out what our 'surprise' was! Rodney, one of the guys who has worked with the lions here for year took to of the lionesses out for a walk (Meg and Aimee), so we were allowed to follow on behind in the van and see him with them, as soon as they were let out of the cage they just ran and let the wind brush through their fluffy ears, so lovely to see, they were supposed to carry on following Rodney over the plain but instead found some bones under a tree and decided to lay there for a while! hehe, eventually they came back to us and we headed off down to the river. The most beautiful spot ever! Here, we were able to do a role reversal! On the sandy bank next to the river stood a cage which we all got in, not a very bog cage i might add. When we were in Rodney released Aimee and Meg and they had a nice play by and in the water, we watched them from the cage and they looked so beautiful. Got some great pictures too! We stayed there for a while and they came and led next to us, we couldn't have got any closer! It was lush. When it was time to go we headed back here to base to grab our lunch which i have just scoffed down as i was staaaarving and now i am writing this, so we are up to date! :)
I think after lunch we are doing road maintenance which is basically filling in holes and stuff...its gonna be hot! Was 34 degrees last time i looked! Also, we are having a braai here tonight when we are finished so wont be rushing back to the cottage...does mean we have to walk over the monkey bridge in the dark though which i am not thinking about at the moment!...Errrrrrr...
I shall be back to fill you in on Saturday...tomorrow i will be skinning large pieces of fresh meat for the first time so i will tell you all about it! Look forward to it wont you!
Bye for now....Holz x
PS pictures on Sunday hopefully! Am not allowed to do uploads here. x
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Day 2!!!
Good afternoon my dear friends and family...
I hope this blog finds you all well. We are 2 hours ahead of you up there in England so the time is 13:35 for me and around 11:35 for you!
The journey to ShadyNook cottage was a loooong and hot one. I was met off the plane by Quentin who works at the farm and a fellow volunteer was also waiting for me who had just arrived. I guess I kept them waiting longer than they would have liked! Woops...after a 50 minute drive we arrived at the farm but only to pick up a couple of other volunteers who have been here a while, and I have to admit the first thing i noticed about them was the vast amount of cuts and bruises they seemed to have! Nonetheless, they were really happy and friendly so this didn't faze me too much, and after just a morning working here i too am not covered in scratches and small bumps so i guess it just comes with the territory.
After getting all our shopping out of the way we headed to our digs, a cottage called Shadynook which is beautiful and has everything you could need including a nice big terrace with a very pretty view of the river. However, I must add that when we parked up 'at' the cottage little did i know that with shopping, luggage and other bits and pieces on board the truck we now had a monkey bridge and significant trek to the cottage! Ill be honest and say that my legs did go a bit wobbly on the bridge which i hadn't expected to swing quite so much and by the time we had carried everything to shadynook i was more than happy to flop into a cold shower and rinse away the sweat!
We had a really pleasant evening complete with a good old braai! Yum! We relaxed until it was dark and got to one another a bit, but i was exhausted and retired to bed at 9.30pm...
I woke up in the middle of the night to the sounds of the lions roaring which was incredible, despite being almost 2km away it sounded like they were at the front door! It was very exciting. And this morning has been everything that i had hoped and imagined it would be. We arrived at the farm at 8am where were introduced to 2 baby black leopards and 2 baby hyenas, we went into there pen and had a good play with them! So so sweet, the leopards have HUGE paws and are still quite clumsy and the hyenas are a lot cuter than i had ever thought. They are very shy but the leopards are very confident and playful...hence my scratched arms and legs!
We left their enclosure and did our orienteering around the farm with all the big cats! Incredible...I am rushing now as my time is nearly up...but it was unbelievable, the lions are magnificent! Apart from a fence i was up close which was awesome! (there's that word! awesome!). Then before i knew it we were being invited into an enclosure with two adult hyenas and one leopard which was scary but brilliant, however i am now missing a lace to my boot which is making it difficult to walk...yes, one of the hyenas decided to eat it! But they were lovely and did lots of sniffing!
After that we returned to the cubs and sat with them for ages and had a good play...my boot got bullied some more....this could be a recurring problem!
Anyway...i have to dash! But i am well, safe and loving being here with the animals!
Until next time, Holz. xxx
I hope this blog finds you all well. We are 2 hours ahead of you up there in England so the time is 13:35 for me and around 11:35 for you!
The journey to ShadyNook cottage was a loooong and hot one. I was met off the plane by Quentin who works at the farm and a fellow volunteer was also waiting for me who had just arrived. I guess I kept them waiting longer than they would have liked! Woops...after a 50 minute drive we arrived at the farm but only to pick up a couple of other volunteers who have been here a while, and I have to admit the first thing i noticed about them was the vast amount of cuts and bruises they seemed to have! Nonetheless, they were really happy and friendly so this didn't faze me too much, and after just a morning working here i too am not covered in scratches and small bumps so i guess it just comes with the territory.
After getting all our shopping out of the way we headed to our digs, a cottage called Shadynook which is beautiful and has everything you could need including a nice big terrace with a very pretty view of the river. However, I must add that when we parked up 'at' the cottage little did i know that with shopping, luggage and other bits and pieces on board the truck we now had a monkey bridge and significant trek to the cottage! Ill be honest and say that my legs did go a bit wobbly on the bridge which i hadn't expected to swing quite so much and by the time we had carried everything to shadynook i was more than happy to flop into a cold shower and rinse away the sweat!
We had a really pleasant evening complete with a good old braai! Yum! We relaxed until it was dark and got to one another a bit, but i was exhausted and retired to bed at 9.30pm...
I woke up in the middle of the night to the sounds of the lions roaring which was incredible, despite being almost 2km away it sounded like they were at the front door! It was very exciting. And this morning has been everything that i had hoped and imagined it would be. We arrived at the farm at 8am where were introduced to 2 baby black leopards and 2 baby hyenas, we went into there pen and had a good play with them! So so sweet, the leopards have HUGE paws and are still quite clumsy and the hyenas are a lot cuter than i had ever thought. They are very shy but the leopards are very confident and playful...hence my scratched arms and legs!
We left their enclosure and did our orienteering around the farm with all the big cats! Incredible...I am rushing now as my time is nearly up...but it was unbelievable, the lions are magnificent! Apart from a fence i was up close which was awesome! (there's that word! awesome!). Then before i knew it we were being invited into an enclosure with two adult hyenas and one leopard which was scary but brilliant, however i am now missing a lace to my boot which is making it difficult to walk...yes, one of the hyenas decided to eat it! But they were lovely and did lots of sniffing!
After that we returned to the cubs and sat with them for ages and had a good play...my boot got bullied some more....this could be a recurring problem!
Anyway...i have to dash! But i am well, safe and loving being here with the animals!
Until next time, Holz. xxx
Saturday, 29 October 2011
1 day to go...
Okey dokey, so this time tomorrow I shall be on my way to Tiverton to catch the train which will get me into Paddington. From there I shall catch the Heathrow Express to the airport where I shall get on the plane to Paris where I shall wait for 3 hours before catching the flight to Johannesburg. On arrival there I shall meet a man called Quentin who will drive me to the farm... that's going to take a little while I think...
Thursday, 27 October 2011
3 days to go...
Good evening!
I know that theres not much happening on here right now, but rest assured in 3 days my journey shall commence which means on Monday at 11am I shall step off the plane and will be just a drive away from the farm at which point I will take lots of pictures and get them posted on here...exciting times. I can confirm that there are baby striped hyena and black jaguar at the moment and I am certain these will make for some pretty sassy photo opportunities...Until then I have decided to cheat and have included some pictures from the wonderful world of Google... :) Hope you like...
Ciao for now my blogging followers...ciao for now!
I know that theres not much happening on here right now, but rest assured in 3 days my journey shall commence which means on Monday at 11am I shall step off the plane and will be just a drive away from the farm at which point I will take lots of pictures and get them posted on here...exciting times. I can confirm that there are baby striped hyena and black jaguar at the moment and I am certain these will make for some pretty sassy photo opportunities...Until then I have decided to cheat and have included some pictures from the wonderful world of Google... :) Hope you like...
Ciao for now my blogging followers...ciao for now!
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
5 days to go...
I've just had news from my African Swallow friends, seems there is a heat wave in Johannesburg at the moment with the temperature being 35 degrees. That means it is 38 degrees on the farm! Wowza! That's a lot of heat, I'm going to need more sun cream than originally anticipated...You can never be too careful, I got burnt once on holiday in Zanzibar and I looked like a strawberry lollipop for days!
Sunday, 23 October 2011
7 days to go...
Sooooo... there's a week to go, times a ticking and I think...I THINK i'm almost organised!
I've spent this morning having a good clean up of my abode, I do find it easier to concentrate after a de-clutter. Got a large bin liner of stuff ready to go to the charity shop and am happy to have come across a few things which I hadn't seen for a while! What makes me most happy is that I've found my penguin t-short which I thought was long gone! Ill be taking that with me on me travels to the kingdom that's for sure, get the old Lions confused, I'm quite positive they wouldn't have seen a penguin before! HA!
Got some combats, t-shirts a few pairs of shorts, a hat, sun cream, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo and some socks and pants so SORTED! Ill get the camera charged and give my boots a little clean and I'm all good to go...just have to wait for next Sunday to come along
...waiting...waiting...still waiting, OK, I think I might watch a mooooovie! Kill some time! :)
Enjoy your Sunday avo peeps. x
I've spent this morning having a good clean up of my abode, I do find it easier to concentrate after a de-clutter. Got a large bin liner of stuff ready to go to the charity shop and am happy to have come across a few things which I hadn't seen for a while! What makes me most happy is that I've found my penguin t-short which I thought was long gone! Ill be taking that with me on me travels to the kingdom that's for sure, get the old Lions confused, I'm quite positive they wouldn't have seen a penguin before! HA!
Got some combats, t-shirts a few pairs of shorts, a hat, sun cream, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo and some socks and pants so SORTED! Ill get the camera charged and give my boots a little clean and I'm all good to go...just have to wait for next Sunday to come along
...waiting...waiting...still waiting, OK, I think I might watch a mooooovie! Kill some time! :)
Enjoy your Sunday avo peeps. x
Thursday, 20 October 2011
10 days to go...
Hello there everyone!
With 10 days to go until I commence my journey to The Kingdom of the White Lion I figured this would be a good time to set up my blog! I am a blog virgin so I'm very much looking forward to all the blogging!
I think it would be an understatement to say what a huge animal lover I am and the excitement that I am feeling is quite difficult to put down in words. It is a privilege and an honor to be joining the staff at the kingdom in the North West Province of South Africa in just over a week. Kevin Richardson and his team have been doing work with Lions, Hyena, Leopards, Jaguars and a variety of other animal species. The conservation work that goes on is vast and it is wonderful to see how the animals, land and people work together. Please do visit the webisite so you can see what I am jabbering on about! www.lionwhisperer.co.za.
The farm and many animals require maintenance, care and management which is where I hope to fit in along with the other volunteers of whom I shall meet when I get there. I will do whatever I am asked and am prepared for some long, sweaty and dare I say it...filthy days! I am not particularly looking forward to the food prep...but hey, who knows, under the beating sun in a foreign land...and a hungry pack of big kitty's who knows what I am capable of! :)
For now, I am trying to get organised. Luckily I have all my jabs including Yellow Fever which is a biggy when entering Africa and as I will be there for less than 90 days I am covered on the Visa front...its sun cream, appropriate clothing and a new hat for me! The rest I will have to make up as I go along. Please join me on this journey, I shall be updating this blog as much as I can along with updates, photos and stories.I am hoping this trip will be good for my mind, body and soul, but most importantly I am looking to work for something that will help conserve and take care of some of the natural beauties of this world.
Until then fellow bloggers...ROOOOAAARRRRRRRRRRR!!!
PS My little lion TrevCat is eager to see some of his bigger family members too!
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